An online portal you can use to run your training center, TCM is an entry-level solution for running your emergency care programs. It can organize courses you have scheduled. It can print rosters and sign-in sheets. It will placed printed information exactly in the right spots for your AHA, ASHI, ECSI, Medic First Aid, NSC, AAP, ENA, and EMS Safety Services. You can search out a student’s name and reissue a lost card in a few clicks of a mouse. You can also manage instructor profiles and track their volume for their renewals.
Training Center Manager® is a top-of-the-line management package specially designed for organizations running training programs. While it can be used for any training purpose, it has features specific for those agencies running American Heart Association (AHA) CPR, ACLS, and PALS courses, American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) health and safety programs, Medic First Aid emergency care classes, Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) programs, National Safety Council training courses, EMS Safety Services (ESS) trainings, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) classes, and Emergency Nurses’ Association programs. We believe it is the only program on the market capable of handling the technical details of all eight agencies.