TC Suite with Webservices provides users with the ability to have, side-by-side with their classroom offerings, an offering of online or blended classes.
So you’re pretty great with Powerpoint™ huh? Well, you’ve mastered making presentations that make an impact on a room full of people. Step up to the next level by making HTML web content and turning your expertise into webpages and presenting them to anyone with internet access. Any basic HTML editor can make pages of content you can push to your TC Suite with Webservices. You can display as content anything you can embed into a webpage - text, pictures, video, audio, etc. Send up the pages, and TCSuite with Webservices will do the work of registering your students, collecting payments if applicable, organizing and displaying the content, and administering and grading the test (if any). Participants can even download proof-of-training certificates after completion.
It’s a bold new world. People research with search engines, check their grades online, and earn college degrees over the internet. While there will always be some role for the instructor in emergency care training, the landscape is quickly changing for educators. Students and organizations want to engage educational organizations with broad offerings - including Online and Blended options. With millennials entering the workforce, we are faced with a generation of students for whom internet-based education is their preferred method of learning.
TCSuite with Webservices provides a flexible content presentation platform that lets you deliver almost any content right next to your classroom offerings. No confusing second platform, no additional software to buy, and no students having completion records in multiple databases.
Keeping up with the times is crucial for the viability and survival of an organization. Ask anyone who used to sell encyclopedias!
TCSuite with Webservices will display as content any webpage you make in HTML (.htm or .html) format. Use your favorite webpage editor, a common application such as Word, or go old-school and write your code by hand in Notepad. You can push pages created by any of those tools to your TCM Online course and the system will display it. Click here to see a demo video on How to make and upload webpages to TC Suite with Webservices
You’ve got your content on the web and you’ve offered your first Online program. Great - now…. well… now nothing. TCM has it from here. It will register and collect payments right along side your classroom instructor-led programs, immediately email confirmations for you with instructions on how to access the program, keep track of the pages the student completed, administer and grade exams, and generate completion certificates. The student can literally manage his own learning experience. Take a break - you deserve it. See a demo video of the student experience for Online Courses in TCM here
You can show as part of a course anything you can stick into a webpage. That means text, pictures, sound, video, or some especially more robust interactivity. If you can make it (or have it made) TCSuite with Webservices can display it as long as it’s packaged in an HTML page.
See samples of great stuff people have embedded into TCM Online courses:
If you’ve never made an HTML page, there are editors that make it very easy to do. The average WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor makes webpage creation about as easy as making a PowerPoint™ presentation. You can be making basic webpages in about an hour. Check out Serif Webpage Plus, Our Recommended Editor (free version available)