You can see demonstration portals for Training Center Manager, TC Suite, and TCSuite with Webservices below. The portals are read-only - they cannot be edited. You can also download demonstration copies of our training and student applications. Some will work for a limited amount of time before they need to be purchased, others are completely free.
Fantastic tools for running your training agency.
Training Center Manager: Our entry-level product for running training centers.
Click here to see the demo portal.Your Login: TCM
Password: Password
Training Center Suite: Take TCM and surround it with cool modules like an accounting platform, an AED tracker, a course evaluation tool, and a message system.
Click here to see the demo portal.Your Login: TCSuite
Password: Password
TCSuite with Webservices: It’s TCSuite, but packed with additional data management features. Register students and collect payments in real time. Receive rosters from instructors and print cards with no data entry. Let students run transcripts for their license renewals. Have your staff complete course records remotely before they leave the course site. It’s all in there…
Click here to see the administrator demo portalYour Login: TCWeb
Password: Password
Instructor Login: Password: password
Client Login: Password: password
Student Login: Student License: 123123
Cool programs for teaching classes. Take thousands of dollars and several pounds of equipment out of your classroom and replace it with the most useful gadget you’ve ever seen.
AED Trainer App: Make your tablet a functional AED trainer in seconds with our application and a set of AED electrodes.
Download Windows DemoBLS VitalSim: This simulation of an EMT-level monitor allows you to simulate an AED, pulse oxymeter, and automated blood pressure monitor. Your next scenario in EMT class can have dynamic blood pressures, heart rates, and pulse oxymetry readings you control from across the room.
Download Windows DemoALS VitalSim: It’s a complete monitor/defibrillator on a tablet. Your student can defibrillate, pace, and cardiovert. They can monitor pulse oxymetry, exhaled CO2, blood pressures, heart rates, and 12 lead ECG’s. Step up to a tablet-based monitor/defibrillator teaching tool and leave your LIFEPAK at home.
Download Windows DemoNRP Instrument Panel: Teaching the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)? Use this application to simulate a radiant warmer, suction unit, pulse oxymeter, and an oxygen blender.
Download Windows DemoSuction Unit Trainer: Use this application to simulate a portable suction unit in EMT, paramedic, or other training course.
Coming Soon!
At Training Center Technologies, we pride ourselves in creating innovative solutions for your training center. Our products fall into a “just-enough-fidelity” space, balancing cost-effectiveness with realism to produce applications that solve classroom problems while staying within your budget.
Applications for students to manage their certifications.
CertMaster: Students can install this application on their phone where it keeps track of their certification expiration dates. They can store pictures of their certs and text or email them to employers. They can sync their certs to the cloud and retrieve them from any mobile device. All for free!
Coming Soon!