Feature Name | What does it do | Which Product? | More Info? |
AED Tracking | Track Automated External Defibrillators you have sold. Register their serial numbers, part expiration dates and lot numbers. Can be used for other hardware such as oxygen systems, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, etc. |
TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
*** Hallmark Feature *** |
License online courses from other TC Software users for affordable monthly fees and no- |
TCWebservices |
Video Commercial |
Card/certificate reissues |
Reprint a card in a few mouse- |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Chrons | Automatically set TC Software to email students a certain number of days before their certificate expires (30/60/90 etc). Emails go out nightly without any manual work. | TC Web services | Instructions |
Contract Management | Track agreements you’ve made with organizations such as AED sales, service contracts, training agreements, etc. |
TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Course Management | Schedule your class date, time, client, location. Assign maximum seating capacity, open/closed to public, cost per student, and last registration date/time. |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Ecard Support | Exports completed students into a file that can be easily uploaded to the AHA’s MyCards system for Ecard issuance. |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Video |
Email/Print Confirmations to Students | Generates a PDF letter that can be printed or emailed to students to confirm attendance, complete with class date(s), time(s), location address, etc |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Email Confirmations to Students (automatic) | If a student signs up online using the student registration area, an email is automatically sent by the system to the student | TCWebservices | None |
Email/Print Confirmations to Instructors | Generates a PDF letter that can be printed or emailed to instructors to confirm their teaching assignment, complete with class date(s), time(s), location address, etc |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Email Confirmations to Instructors (automatic) | If an instructor signs up online using the (optional) staffing feature, or if the office staff assign the instructor to teach via the calendar, an email is automatically sent by the system to the instructor | TCWebservices | Instructions |
Email/Print Confirmations to Clients | Generates a PDF letter that can be printed or emailed to an organizational client to confirm attendance, complete with class date(s), time(s), location address, etc |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Expiration Reports | Create reports of expiring student credentials. Marked to these students by letter, postcard, or email. |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Instructor Course Load Report | Run reports to see how many classes and students an instructor taught over a designated date range. Filter by course type (ACLS), Course Status (completed), and Accrediting Body (AHA). |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Invoice Manager | Create invoices for organizational customers and keep accounts. Track receivables and payments. Generate reports and statements of account. |
TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Marketing: Log Quotations |
Create and log quotes given to prospective clients. Set follow- |
TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Purchase Order Generation | Create purchase orders. Track expenses by vendor and by category. See total amounts spent over a date range. Track when shipments are received and paid. Generate expense receipts. |
TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Learning Management System
*** Hallmark Feature *** |
Create web- |
TCWebservices |
Video |
Reports: Trainees | Run reports to see how many students were trained in each course type over a designated date range |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Reports: Generated Revenues | Create reports of monies billed and collected. See outstanding invoices that are aged and need collecting. |
TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Search for Expiring Students | Run reports to see how many students were trained in each course type over a designated date range |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Search for Expiring Instructors | Run reports to see what instructor cards are expiring over a designated date range |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Student Completion Logging | Mark the student pass/fail/incomplete, etc. Record test scores. |
TCM TCSuite TCWebservices |
Instructions |
Text Messaging | Send text message reminders to students and instructors of their upcoming classes via TC Software. | TCWebservices | Video |
Class Management and Scheduling | Schedule classes with details such as date(s), time(s), location, and host organization. Schedule multiple sessions over many days. | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Student logging of completion status | Mark students PASS, FAIL, INCOMPLETE, NO SHOW, or any other status you designate. | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Quick card reissuance | Look up a student by name (full or partial first name or last name) and reprint a certificate in a couple of mouse-clicks | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Instructor management | Assign instructors to a class and they will be credited with teaching activity when you run a report | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Reports of trainees | Run reports to see how many students your training center has trained in a given date range. Run reports to see how many students you have trained for a particular client. | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Reports of instructor activity | Run reports to see how many classes and students a particular instructor has trained in a given date range | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Email confirmations to students | Email class confimations to students | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Email confirmations to instructors | Email teaching confirmations to instructors | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Email confirmations to clients | Email class confirmations to organizational coordinators planning courses at their locations | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Search for expiring students | Search for student credentials that are about to expire and send them emails | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Search for expiring instructors | Search for instructor credentials that are about to expire and send them emails | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Roster printing | Print course rosters with student name, address, student status | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print AHA cards | Print American Heart Association course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print ECSI cards | Print Emergency Care and Safety Institute course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print ASHI cards | Print American Safety & Health Institute course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print NSC cards | Print National Safety Council course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print Medic First Aid cards | Print Medic First Aid Course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print EMS Safety Services cards | Print EMS Safety Services course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print AAP/NRP cards Print | Neonatal Resuscitation Program course completion cards | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Print ENA TNCC/ENPC cards | Print TNCC and ENPC course completion cards from the Emergency Nurse's Association | TCM TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Invoice manager | Generate invoices for organizational clients | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Tracking/Barcoding equipment | Barcode training equipment and track it. Make barcodes for instructors and locations to scan equipment to an instructor or to a location as it moves between people and sites | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Reporting for generated revenues | Generate reports of monies received by client and types of products/services sold | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Contract management | Manage agreements and contracts that require serial numbers and expiration | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
AED tracking of serial #’s and parts | Record medical device serial numbers and expiration dates. Generate reports of devices by brand and model | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Mailing list generation from past records | Create mailing and emailing lists of students, instructors, and clients based on past records | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Generate purchase orders | Create purchase orders and log payments to vendors | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Account for payments | Generate reports of purchases by vendor or by type of expense | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Process course evaluation data | Enter course evaluation data to create comprehensive scores of instructor performance | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Take messages and email staff | Leave messages for training center staff and mark them read after reviewing them | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Generate Emailable PDF invoices | Email PDF invoices to clients | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Find expiring AED parts | Search out expiring consumable parts on medical devices such as AED's | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Generate reports by AED brand and SN | Generate reports of devices by brand, model, and serial number | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Track prospective customers | Track prospective customer organizations and convert them into clients when they commit to a purchase | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Generate quotations and save them | Create quotations and email them to prospective or current clients | TCSuite TCWebservices | Instructions |
Digital Roster submissions with document upload | Instructors can submit rosters of classes they have taught for card processing. Scanned documents such as course evaluations and skills sheets can be attached to the submission. Card fees can be collected by the training center via credit card at the time of submission. Immediate email confirmations are sent to the training center and instructor documenting the submission. | TCWebservices | Instructions |
Instructor self-staffing | Instructors can take training assignments made available by the training center. Instructor and training center receive email confirmations of the assignment. | TCWebservices | Instructions |
Student registration with optional real-time payment | Students register for classes and receive immediate email confirmations of the class with dates and times. Training centers can collect tuition via credit card or paypal. | TCWebservices | Video |
Client Portal | Organizational clients can log in an see their future classes, previous rosters, medical devices, and open/paid invoices. Clients can pay invoices online via credit card. | TCWebservices | None |
Student portal with transcripts | CME/CEU certificate printing Students can use their last name and medical license number to view previous classes taken and print CME/CEU certificates for licensure applications and affadavits | TCWebservices | Video |
Text Message Students | Send text messages to students enrolled in courses to advise them of last minute changes or inclement weather and to confirm attendance | TCWebservices | Instructions |
Learning Management System (LMS) | Make HTML web content and post it to TCM. Offer the class to students online with TCM collecting tuitions, delivering the material, administering the exam if any, and producing CME/CEU certificates. | TCWebservices | Instructions |
TCM APP STORE for online content | License your LMS course to other TCM users via our APP store. License other user's work for use in your TCM. | TCWebservices | Instructions |
Text Message Instructors | Send text messages to instructors enrolled in courses to advise them of last minute changes or inclement weather and to confirm attendance | TCWebservices | Instructions |