Freedom Valley Medical Training Institute
The Freedom Valley Medical Training Institute is a Community-based, non-profit training agency established by Freedom Valley Emergency Medical Rescue for the purpose of providing members of the community with an easy way to gain and/or renew their CPR qualification. It also fulfills the great need for emergency medical responder and other community first response training both on the level of the community at large and in the industry of pre-hospital care. The new training institute is growing quickly into a still small but ever-changing entity serving several first responder agencies, long-term care facilities, schools and businesses. A variety of educational and workforce development offerings are available, ranging from emergency medical responder certification programs to CPR certification and community Naloxone training. In the age of COVID, Computer-based training has been a very successful venue for us and we plan on adding more programs for both pre-recorded and "live" tele-presence delivery.
The FVMTI consists of over a dozen seasoned EMS professionals and CPR instructors of varying expertise.
Instructor Login

Instructors can enter their course rosters for processing here.
Course Enrollment

Students may sign up for courses here.
Student Login

View your scheduled and past courses here.
Client Portal

View your scheduled and past courses here.
Contact Information:
Freedom Valley Training Institute
309 Main St.
Tel: (484) 282-0844
Fax: (215) 513-2001